What Do Children Experience at LAZARUS?

STEAM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math Disciplines

We Code!

We Learn STEM Processes!

We Go on Field Trips

We Collaborate!

We Innovate Our Products

Our Parents Participate!

Welcome to LAZARUS! Where the Curiosity and Creativity of Kids is CELEBRATED!

Does your child like to experiment to see how things work'?

LAZARUS has an open door and opportunity to nurture their curiosity!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cost?

LAZARUS offers our services to children at no charge at present.  Donations are greatly appreciated to allow us to continue to offer high quality courses to your child.

What student grade levels  are welcome?

Children in grades 3 through 8 are invited, though exceptions are possible.

What are your STEAM hours?

Our STEAM program is held on Mondays only from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM during the school year.  Parents must pick up their children promptly.

When  do you hold the  Entrepreneurial Classes? 

KRE Kids'R'Entrepreneurs is a two week Summer Camp held in July each summer.

Are you licensed and insured?

Yes.  Dr. Tooley is licensed and insured.

What are your terms and conditions?

Parents are required complete an application and sign the applicable documents to enroll their child.  They are also required to be diligent in dropping off and picking up their child on class days.

What is your maximum class size?

12 Students

Contact Us!

We would love to talk with you about what makes your child unique!

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LAZARUS has services for both children and adults.  See how we empower others!